Sunday, January 5, 2014


Yo guys. If you're here, you might be wanting to check out Phantasy Star Online....TWO! If you ask me, it's a lot like Vindi. Dungeon crawler, Classes, a main story, and A SHIT TON of side quests. If you like Vindi, odds are, you'll like this game. Oh, and it's futuristic. Only problem is, it's Japanese servers only. Now you're probably thinking, "Oh no! How will I ever be able to play this!? You're telling me things that I can't enjoy!!" 


I have a couple things to help you out here. This is going to be time-consuming. This might make you a bit grumpy. BUT, I think you guys can do it. First off, here's a tutorial on how to set up your JP Sega ID which is mandatory for playing the game. When selecting a Ship after you install the game, which are the individual servers for this game, I play on Ship 10: Nauthiz. Mooshg, and a few other people I know play this as well. I don't know anyone on any of the other ships. 

Now, whenever you finish that, you will have to (unless you're fluent in Japanese...didn't think so) get the ENGLISH PATCH. YES IT EXISTS. And, luckily, there is an easy to use program called the "PSO2 Tweaker." This handy-dandy program allows you to make quick adjustments to your PSO2 game. It includes the English patch, a larger (but unnecessary) English Patch, the story patch (also unnecessary) and a few other random things. But all we want right now is the English patch. Whenever you finish installing the game, MAKE DAMN SURE THAT YOU ARE ABLE TO SIGN INTO THE GAME!! I cannot stress enough how important this is. If you English patch your game before applying an update that recently came out, your game WILL NOT WORK and you will most likely have to re-install. And if it took you a long time like mine did, you don't want that. So make sure you can log into the game before applying your English patch. Ok, now that the warning is out of the way, here is the link to the PSO 2 Tweaker: I'm going to try and make a step by step on how to set up and use your tweaker. It's pretty easy to use, It's like riding a bike, once you learn, you don't forget. Even if you do, you can just come check here :D 

Step one: If you don't have the .NET Framework required for installation, you can find it on the page. If you don't know if you have it or not, you can always download it and see. 

Step two: Download the tweaker. Save it somewhere that you will know where it is.

Step three: Once installation is complete, boot up the tweaker. Once on the screen, you'll see something like what was shown on the website. Click on the Orb and select the option labeled: "Select Win32 Folder" what this does is locates where the files that should be replaced in english. To locate the files, Follow step three A

Step Three A: Computer, :C Drive, Program Files x86, Sega, PHANTASYSTARONLINE2, pso2_bin, data, win32.

Step four: now that that's done, the program may automatically ask you if your english patch or game is up to date. If your game is up to date, which it should be unless you haven't played for a while, hit yes. Your english patch is obviously not since you don't have one. 

Step Five: If the tweaker does not automatically ask you if everything is up to date, poke the orb in the top left corner again, and select "install/update patches. Should be pretty easy at this point.

Step Six: Now that your game is updated with the latest english patch and you patched it after making sure your game was up to date, you should be good to go! See you guys in PSO2.

(Optional Step Seven: If you have any questions, leave a comment, or contact me anyway you can. Some people might have issues playing the game, I know of a couple fixes.)

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