Monday, June 24, 2013

ArcheAge beta test!!

Psst, ArcheAge Beta is happening soon. Here's where to apply!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Hey guys. How2Farm Twilight desert. Here ya go!

What are YOU doing for manitenance?

We all know that today is the big day, but first we have to get through the maintenance. What are you doing? Why? And do you have any other plans? I'm playing Warframe because i need to work on my MAG frame, as well as gather materials for my Kunai. I might meet up with a friend because he had a proposition for me. 

Let everyone know what you're up to!


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Holy Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~ Tomorrow is the big day.

Valark here. The forums are lively as all get out right now. Managed to find this post. Involving exactly what all we're getting tomorrow. After reading this, joy will arrive. If it doesn't, please see a medical specialist for depression.

 Nine new battles being added in the Twilight Desert, a new map in Vindictus
New monsters: Grim Reapers and Guardians, which you can see screenshots and concept art of in the gallery.

Map features: Time progression when moving into each new area
Underground dungeons: There are a total of 14 dungeons. Portals will open and close depending on day or night. Upon clearing them, players will get random rewards, including rare Enchant Scrolls.

Mini-game Charles Race: race against the ratman Charles to obtain the treasure first.

Character revamps

Lann (quick offensive characters who uses two swords to deal damage): Enhancement focused on Critical Hits/ Fury No.7 and improved Dodging skills

Fiona (defensive character who can block and strategically counter enemy attacks): Small Shield/Large Shield improved, Long Hammer improved

Karok (powerhouse melee character who uses brute strength to seize and bash enemies): Smash/Clash improved, new skill added

Evie (mage character who uses alchemy to support allies and attack enemies): Addition of 10 or so more types of magic. Improved so that Evie can charge up magic spells ahead of time

Kai (a ranged character who utilizes the bow and arrow to deal damage): SP fills up more easily, but will be consumed more quickly

New expertise: Gathering

Only obtainable in the Season 2 area

Orbs obtained from the Luminary trees can be used to create equipment or weapons.

Soooo yeah. EPISODE 2. Get your last minute gold that you all need before tomorrow. Because when episode 2 hits, it's gonna be big.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Breakdown on Enhancements

Been thinking about enhancing that weapon of yours? Well hold them weapons and get back in the saddle. Found something in the forums that you guys and gals might flip a tit for. 


This was created by my former Guild Leader Zokku. Enjoy!

Enhance Levels Without Enchants:
+1 100%             +9 40%
+2 100%             +10 40%
+3 100%             +11 38%
+4 60%               +12 38%
+5 60%               +13 30%
+6 45%               +14 30%
+7 45%               +15 20%
+8 45%

Enhance Levels With Enchants (Let's assume Double Rank 9):
+1 100%             +9 38%
+2 100%             +10 38%
+3 100%             +11 30%
+4 50%               +12 30%
+5 50%               +13 25%
+6 40%               +14 25%
+7 40%               +15 10%
+8 40%

Enchant Break Rates
Rank 9: 70%
Rank 8: 75%

+4/5 Fail: 0-9 Dura
+6-8 Fail: 0-16 Dura
Enchant Fail Rank 9: 0-24 Dura
Enchant Fail Rank 8: 0-33 Dura
Enchant Fail Rank A: 0-15 Dura
Enchant Fail Rank B and Below:  I doubt anyone cares about these scrolls.
Chance of No Dura loss for Enchant: 30%

Chance of No Dura loss for Enhance: 25%

Valark here. Some of these I'm pretty skeptical on, but for the most part, they seem pretty reasonable. Now that you've seen this, Still feeling up to the test of enhancing to +11? Don't worry! EU got a +11 rune a couple weeks back. So odds are, we will be too. Not too mention Episode 2 comes out the 19th! Prep your panties boys and girls. It's gonna be a wild ride.

PS: Sad Korean is sad

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Nevermind. No longer grumpy.

Just a quick update for you guys, June 19th is the 100% CONFIRMED date of Season 2 Episode 2 AND............yes there's an AND. AND we also get the seal shop update!

But no word on Dual Blades yet. :<

I'm pretty grumpy at Nexon (when isn't someone?)

Well Patriots, I'm sorry to say we will NOT be getting episode 2 until NEXT week. This saddens me greatly. To the extent of providing proof of my misunderstanding, I have gathered some comments from the Vindictus forums. Tomorrows maintenance is NOT Epsiode 2. Yes you read that correctly. The following are a couple comments made by Vindi players. The last is a comment made by Aeselli. She is the community manager for those who don't know.

"Cashews" then "Kristie" 

Originally Posted by Cashews  
            "Well, I do remember someone posting that Aeselli said something about the 12th, but the thread got deleted. Then again, I could just as easily say Aeselli confirmed Chainblades for July 6th but the thread got deleted.
Either way, nothing to do but wait and see."

"^remember this also"

Aeselli,"Sorry to burst your bubble but that isn't the BIG ONE. Not yet anyway; it's just a regularly scheduled maintenance."

Well, you guys can see why I thought it was today by the first quote. Thread=deleted. Second quote though.... Makes me think it may be either the 20th, or the 27th at the very latest. Hopefully the first. If for some reason, they're fibbing us and it IS ACTUALLY TOMORROW, Holy shit I might flip a tit or 2.

In Vindictus EU news, A devilish package came out. Featuring a 50br elixir, a random enchant scroll box, and a necklace. But not just any old necklace. This necklace makes it so that any weapon you hold that is +0 -> +7 immediately is treated as a +8. It does not BECOME +8, it's just treated that way.

Also, I need those photo's guys. Email is

Label the topic as "photos" or something like that so I can find it easily. Thanks for keeping it cool. 


Monday, June 3, 2013

GG Nexon, you lost me when I saw this. Also, Episode 2 in 9 days

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!! Be prepared to flip a tit. So I've been digging around the internet for some new mmo's to play. Because frankly, I need more new experiences. Sure ESO looks kinda interesting, but not really my jam. Closers looked kinda cool, but it's a side scrolling mmo. Kinda like a 3d Maplestory, but WAY more actiony. This game on the other hand, ArcheAge, this game....made me drop my jaw off the empire state building. It's still falling. If you've ever wanted a bit of a slower paced more social interactive vindictus, but still has that kick of action, along with OPEN WORLD, you've come to the right place. Check out this site.

Archeage promotional website:

This game looks pretty badass, so if you can't handle that much awesome in a single site, I'll break down some of the points I saw that were good.

You want character customization, on it. 10 skill trees and over 120 possible classes. 

Races: 4 playable races as of now with a male and female on each race.

FUCKING HUUUUUUUUGE ASS MAP 9 beautiful areas that I've seen. All being completely different from one another. 3 different continents with the 3rd being fought over.

You want Naval Combat? got it. Naval battles with other players makes sure you're never alone in the ocean. Even ocean beasts lurk around. Also, they make great use of rowboats in the game. Including rafting, racing, Guinness records, and a "Lover's Rowboat"

Trading is also a huge part of the game. with 3 modes of travel, including Ship, cart, and donkey, (yes that says donkey) You'll be on the lookout for bandits and other things. Prepare to make some awesome cash.

You wanna fly? Go do it. The game has implemented gliders. So you can jump off a high point, and enjoy yourself as you glide to the ground looking over all the beautiful landscapes.

Court System and Jail: I was kind of surprised at this one. The game is going to have a legal system. I guess bandits and such who get caught serve jail time? I'm not sure how it'll work out. But hey, another thing to do. 

Duels: What's an MMO without pvp? kinda boring. and you thought Vindi pvp was intense. Holy shit do you have a mindblow coming.

Large scale battles: Basically team PvP, but a LOT of people. 

Wanna just chill at home and build stuff? feel free. the game has a pretty unique crafting system. I've heard it has the potential to put guild wars 2's crafting system to shame. But what do I know? I just tell you guys the stuff :D

There's probably more, but that's most of what's on the site that I saw interesting. Keep yourself updated! This game isnt even in closed beta yet and it's been in production for YEARS. A lot of games have been running the CryEngine 3, and frankly, it's looking pretty good. But now onto Vindictus Season 2 Episode 2

I TOLD you guys I was gonna make a decent sized post about this. Well, here it is. In 9 days, we will be patching for Season 2 Episode 2. Which means start saving your gold pieces. This shit's about to get EXPENSIVE with the new nighthawk armor and Noblesse armor coming, you'll be pretty damn busy. New weapons on the way as well. Including Vella's Dual Blades. And hopefully we'll finally get the damn seal shop update. 

To get started, here's a pic of the Noblesse armor.

Yeah, yeah, I'm getting these from SakuraFarron's Tumblr. Now she/he Can't sue me for copy/pasting. :D

DAFUQ IS DAT!?!? Reminds me of a bird of some sort.

Here's the new Twin where are the Twin Swords....

Besides Genn and Cchio, how many Fio's do we have in this guild o.O


Ah, THERE'S the swords. Colorful too.

Fiona in Nighthawk armor. With a Nighthawk long sword and shield

Unfortunately I cannot seem to find nighthawk armor for dudes anywhere. Sorry ladies, no ladyboners for you today.


Another video which showsA bosses and Vella's Dual Blades below

All in all, I think this episode will be VERY successful. We've never had an area quite like this. Unless you want to count Fobellow Prairie, and if you do, gtfo. New weapons, New bosses, more jumping to evade attacks (FUCK). Whatever you do when playing episode 2, watch your footing, and jump when you know you need to. 

Thanks for reading! 


PS: For teh lolz