Friday, May 17, 2013

Back with a vengeance.......and a slap for Nexon NA

Hey fellow Patriots, Valark here, and after a month or two (probably two) I'm back. I feel like kicking some ass. Looking forward to raiding with you guys again. But to get back onto the usual flow of things, I'ma get started with something I've been wanting to do. BREAK OFF TUTORIALS!!! 

Surely you guys have had trouble smashing spots on bosses until you REALLY got a good look at precisely where and how to do the job, so I'm going to keep this relatively easy. Probably start of with something simple. 

Let's start off with Glas. An easy raid boss to break off if you know what you're doing. 
Step one: Locate the break off spot. See that photo up top? if not, you either are blind, or don't have pictures enabled. It's HIS right wing. so if you're looking at the photo, it's the wing on our left. 

Step Two: How2Break. Glas is pretty simple. Knock him down, apply chain hooks. I think at LEAST 2 people must bring chain hooks. Just remember that Evies cannot use chain hooks. Knock down glas using the ballista, and make sure a bow Kai has not jumped onto glas. If a bow Kai does this, it cancels out all the hard work the ballista person did and wastes chain hooks if you already used them. When aiming the chain hook, I usually aim for where the wing either folds over, or meets Glas' skin. Anywhere around there should be okay though. Just make sure it's a solid connection. 

Optional Step Three: If you and your team failed because either you ran out of ballista spears, fear not! There's something you can do still. y'know those spears on the second floor? Grab 'em. March your ass back down and wait for glas to grab someone. When he does this, hit his ankle right where the skin meets the pants. He'll drop the person, and leave an opening for you to do the break off.

Step 4: Enjoy!

Now that that's out of the way, I can honestly say I am disappointed with Nexon. Since I left about a month or so ago, they have basically done nothing. Nexon EU already has Vella's Dual Blades. This happened back on MAY F***ING SECOND. Nexon EU has also obtained a special enhancement rune that protects your gear when going to +11. I'm not sure if it was an event item or if it's available in the shop. Either way, Nexon NA has a ways to go until we catch up.

I'm going to wait with posting anything on warframe until U8 comes out. This will give me time to get back in the groove of Vindi until then. Although what I will say, is that a trapper warframe is coming. 



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