Well Patriots, I'm sorry to say we will NOT be getting episode 2 until NEXT week. This saddens me greatly. To the extent of providing proof of my misunderstanding, I have gathered some comments from the Vindictus forums. Tomorrows maintenance is NOT Epsiode 2. Yes you read that correctly. The following are a couple comments made by Vindi players. The last is a comment made by Aeselli. She is the community manager for those who don't know.
"Cashews" then "Kristie"
Originally Posted by Cashews
"Well, I do remember someone posting that Aeselli said something about the 12th, but the thread got deleted. Then again, I could just as easily say Aeselli confirmed Chainblades for July 6th but the thread got deleted.
Either way, nothing to do but wait and see."
"^remember this also"
Aeselli,"Sorry to burst your bubble but that isn't the BIG ONE. Not yet anyway; it's just a regularly scheduled maintenance."
Well, you guys can see why I thought it was today by the first quote. Thread=deleted. Second quote though.... Makes me think it may be either the 20th, or the 27th at the very latest. Hopefully the first. If for some reason, they're fibbing us and it IS ACTUALLY TOMORROW, Holy shit I might flip a tit or 2.
In Vindictus EU news, A devilish package came out. Featuring a 50br elixir, a random enchant scroll box, and a necklace. But not just any old necklace. This necklace makes it so that any weapon you hold that is +0 -> +7 immediately is treated as a +8. It does not BECOME +8, it's just treated that way.
Also, I need those photo's guys. Email is Duckwithtaco@Gmail.com
Label the topic as "photos" or something like that so I can find it easily. Thanks for keeping it cool.
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