Sunday, May 26, 2013

Dolby Axon tutorial

As some of you are aware, the possibility of using a program called "RaidCall" BUT, I can't seem to access, so instead I'm going to throw you guys into Dolby Axon. It's got GREAT sound quality and a few features you guys may enjoy. This may be implemented so we'll all have an easier time communicating. This guide will show you how to install it CORRECTLY and how to use it! :D 

Let's Begin. 

1: Just follow this link:
2: Now that you're there, make an account. It's really easy. Quit your whining.
3: After you've confirmed your email, your download should already be done. Speedy right? Click the .exe which starts the installation.
4: Now for the biggest lie of all mankind, continue to hit next until you see the licence agreement. Nobody reads that bullshit. Hit "I agree" and continue.
5: Choose where on your computer you want to save this thing to. Shouldn't be too hard. Just put it in your documents if you feel you might have to get to it later.
6: Keep going, doing as you please. Until you see "Install" click it. It should finish almost instantaneously. 
7: Run Dolby Axon. <-- easiest thing yet, right?
8: Let me know you've created an account and want in on dolby axon. Tell me your username so I can add you to the group. My username is Tachumo. Just like it is here on the Blog.
9: HOORAY! you've successfully put in dolby axon. Just remember a few key things. And by a few, I mean one. If you're talking with people and want to get rid of the window, DO NOT push the X. That exits you from the chat entirely and you'll have to reboot axon to get back in. 
10: As for joining a room, it's fairly simple. After I invite you, accept the invitation, click on our guild name, and join. Simple as that. 

I'll be posting Episode 2 stuff later on. But it will be here before the day the content actually arrives. See you all online!


  1. Game Booster link: Just make sure you dont accidentally install the toolbar in the installation



  3. Waiting for an accept from Tachumo on axon :D its MokaAono btw and the user is jeffehmoka so don't think idk this person :P
