Thursday, July 11, 2013

Guild rankings, Guild raids, Guild E'R'THANG

If you read on from here, I have posted my thoughts on categorizing people within the guild. This isn't to hurt anyone's feelings, or make them feel inferior. This list of ratings is just that. A list of ratings. Categorize yourself, if you agree with your position, good. If not, maybe you have work to do. It's good to have a great relationship with your fellow guild mates. In order to become a King, you must not only be skilled with the game, but also have good reputations with your guild mates. If you think you can deem yourself worthy of King, let me know and I'll begin an exam for you. How I go about deciding who is King and who is not, is secret. (Of course it might be spilled later on but I get my fun for a little bit.) These categories might also be used for suggested raid parties later on down the road. So read on, find yourself, and there will be more after this post. Love you all. By the way, King's names will be listed on the guild website for all to see for their accomplishments. Think of it as my reward to you guys for all your hard work. I know it's small, but still. :3

Kings: The Players of Players. These people are an elite few that can carry themselves through a raid while carrying someone else's damage. 33%+ damage in raids occasionally, but ALWAYS over 12.5% Not attack oriented. These people can Solo Rocheste raids with ease. You must prove yourself to gain the respect that comes with this piece. You rarely see these people lying on the ground. They also have a great reputation with guild members and are all around a respectable person. 

Queens: People who have shown their skill and ability and can manage themselves through the more difficult challenges of the game. 16k+, or a good skill background with 15k. References can help build this reputation. Barely becomes incapacitated in raids or missions.

Prince/Princess: A custom category to fit in between Bishop and Queen. These people have power, can show it off, but at times just don't do too well in raids or Missions. They can solo hero mode missions, but require an assist when things get edgy. Such as Hero West Hilder Forest missions. 

Bishop: People who have gained a respectable skill and are able to carry themselves through somewhat difficult missions. 14k+ as a basis. Good amount of skill Doesn't die very often. but can make someone use all their feathers if they're off their game.

Knight: This category pertains to those who have the stats of a high level 60 or low 70 gear setup. 13k+, Enough skill to be noticeable, damage output is OK, but they just aren't at the level of showing off their stuff.

Esquire: People with 12k+. A group that understands raids, but at the same time, finds them difficult due to the lack of stats. They understand how to maneuver, acquire break offs, things of that nature. But just aren't able to stay fighting for extended periods of time without being revived or using Potions. 12k+, level 60+

Rook: Could be short for Rookie if you understand. People who are just hitting level 60 and unlocking raids. Learning the ropes, but have no experience with raids. Therefore become incapacitated quite often. Less than 12k but level 60+.

Pawn: Your average, under level 60 character. New to the game and all it has to offer, these people are the spawn of tomorrow. These are the people that will help shape the guild, Grow with the guild, and have the potential to gain power and recognition. If you are here, don't see it as a bad thing, think of it as the start of your level 60 career. Any character below 60 goes here.

Well, that's the end of the ranking's portion (mostly.) Now on to more guildy matters. Some of us have been speaking, and we have spoken. Guild raids are coming back! This will give us more opportunities to work as a team, get more experience as a guild under our belt, and help our rooks and ranks of that nature, get more comfortable with the raids. Later on I will be taking a poll on which times best work for the guild. I'll post a link here on this post in the comments so all of you may find it easily. Once you have voted, just sit back and wait. Results will be collected at the end of July 2013. Once that has been decided, the time spot selected will be used for guildies to raid with one another. Notice, I said RAID. Not run CMI, SG, or TD, RAAAAIIIID. Making sure everyone understands. We have to keep in mind that time zones CAN and WILL be a problem. So take that into consideration whenever you go to cast your vote for times. They will be in either 3 or 4 hour windows. Which leave plenty of time. 

As you probably noticed by now, this post is relatively long. So here's a picture of a drunk flamingo.

Back on task now. Some of us Admins/respected guild members, think it might be a good idea to put ourselves out there and help out some of the people who need it. If you think you might, (preferably an Esquire or below) have questions about something like, "Where should I go from here?" or maybe "Am I on the right track?" Perhaps even, "What would be a good setup to get me where I need to be?" Questions like this are what we look for. A whisper would be preferred, but if you would like multiple answers, feel free to ask us in guild chat. BUT, I emphasize dat butt. If you come up to us and ask questions like, "Hey, do you want to help me with (proceeds to name 50bagillion things at once.)" No. We will politely, yet firmly, ask you to please limit it to one (MAYBE TWO if we're feeling generous) thing. This not only lets us get back to what we were doing, but it also shows you that you need to branch off and power up on your own. Yes we will help you, but to a short extent. We are here to GUIDE YOU, not to hold your hand. 

That pretty much concludes this post. I'll be looking forward to seeing your opinions on raid times. If you have any questions, leave a comment, or message me in game. 

Lots of love, <3 Valark. 

P.S. Congrats to all our new members and admins! We hope to be seeing more of you!