Ok so in my last post, I spoke of a PVP tourney towards the end. I'm HEAVILY considering it. We have 80 something members, so I'm pretty sure i can find at least 16 people that would want to participate. I myself will NOT be participating. (Yeah, deal with it. You guys can kick my ass some other time.) Since everyone seems really balance, I won't be holding many restrictions. BUT! I will come up with a set of rules and regulations that I will expect everyone to follow. A lot of these are from when I participated in Omen's PVP tourney. Ok, so onto the restrictions. 14.5k is the highest attack /magic attack that I'm allowing. Soooo worrying about lv 80 weapons won't be a problem. Have too much? take off a ring or whatever. You'll come up with something. 8k def for all characters except Fiona since her low attack speed compared to every other character. Fiona's get up to 9k. Since we still have Fiona fresh on our minds. If you play a Fiona, you are welcome to change shields depending on who you will be dueling, so long as you don't go over the Def Cap of 9k. <--- see? I even reminded you guys. :> Kai: It's pretty easy with Kai in PVP. I wanted to say longbow only and no "Armed and Dangerous" ability, but that'd be a pretty big hassle. And ain't nobody got time fo' dat. So, if you're playing kai, one simple thing, and this kinda goes for everyone as well. Don't play like a douche. (spaming shortbow arrows, spamming hollow shot with the crossgun, things of that nature.) SP: This will be allowed, but the use of potential one hit moves, Eagle Eye Assault, Six Shooter, Massive Attack, Reverse Gravity, Earthquake, things of that nature are BANNED. Surely you guys have seen the devastating damage that a crossgun can do. And you all can agree that it would be a bad idea to allow it. This is mainly pointed towards Kais but you guys get where I'm going with that. Moving on.... Quickslots: Off. No exceptions. "Oops, I accidentally used a Superior HP potion." Yeah, Bullshit. Turn those off when starting a duel. Pets. Nope. Nuh uh. Not even gremlins. I don't give a FUCK how adorable your free wolf is, you're not bringing it with you. They may tweak the balance of the match using one of their abilities, and we just can't have that. Match Bracket Locations: I'll be setting players against each other through luck of the draw. I plan on drawing all names out of a hat. The order I draw them out, is the order in which they will be placed. If anyone thinks that isn't fair, explain please. Duels will be best 2 out of 3. Winner of 2 will move on to the next round. I plan to have 2 brackets. A winner's bracket and a loser's bracket. Looks something like this. Ok, I think that about covers it. I'll be available for talking to whenever I'm online. But if you need to sign up, and can't get a hold of me, (I'm slippery like a worm) just leave a comment here or talk to someone who will remember to speak with me. If I need to add anything to this, let me know and I will. HOLY SHIT, I almost forgot to mention the prize. Since this will be the very first tourney, the prize is 10k NX. If it works out well, I may do this again but with a bigger prize. I'm too much of a bastard to work and get enough gold to pay you guys that way. NO ENTRY FEE REQUIRED. If you get runner up, tough beans. You didn't win.
Hey guys. Valark here with another super duper thing from my update-o-rama machine. Easter event is here and holy crap. DAT NECKLACE! Here's what it does. ATT and M.ATT +500 Balance, Attack speed, Critical: +3 <--- me gusta Def: +500 Luck +10 <----WTF!? This Necklace has ASTOUNDING bonuses, so take advantage of this while you can. Do all your raids, run for some scrolls, maybe even do some season 2 runs.Unfortunately, no word on Seal Shop update. But if I were to guess, I'd say April 3rd or 4th depending on when the event ends officially. Stack them seals. Let's see....what else......OH YEAH! Korea announced that they're doing character revamps. Holy Hercules Testicles. This stuff right here is gonna blow everyone's minds. Lann is the only character I know about with the revamp. Fiona is getting it as well, but from what I know, it's mostly small shield stuff. Sword lann is getting a major buff. Every poke with Thousand Needles will boost your crit chance (up to 10%). and Furious 7 will be more controllable. Among other things. Eh, frankly I really don't feel like writing the rest of this. So here's a copy paste from VindiHQ with stuff....and things.
"The central element of Lann gameplay is crit. But it is becoming increasingly difficult for Lanns to use Gliding Fury or Lightning Fury due to the increasing amount of crit resistance monsters are getting. Lann’s revamp will be centered around improving his crit chances. This will mainly be done with Thousand Needles. Now as a separate skill, Thousand Needle will increase crit chance for each hit that connects [capped at 10%] So this skill will be needed to be used when the target shows an opening to fully utilize the crit buff and when Lann scores a crit, an additional effect will be added to this buff which improves Fury skills. Skills effected by this extra buff are Gliding Fury, Lightning Fury, and Fury 7." So that's the update. Hope you guys are enjoying the last week of the March events. I'm kind of tempted to host a "guild members only PVP tourney" But I'll get back to you guys on that in the next couple days. If not later today :> PEACE, CRACKAS!!
WOO! Kai's Crossgun is finally here! And with it, some awesome new fixes and changes. Gonna summarize all of that here real quick for you guys. First things first, practice mode has been implemented. This handy dandy tool allows you to practice raid bosses you may be having trouble with, or if you just feel like Soloing. It keeps track of how many times you revive as well. I think I may be doing something with this later.
Next up is PVP, they have added an FFA gametype at rocheste castle. I myself have yet to try this. Kind of curious about it. Apparently you can use the triumph medals to get high level gear more easily now. (goodbye 200mil kraken fangs) A minor adjustment has been made to where that all story items have their own little tab. It's a little gold box with a scroll in it on the bottom of your inventory. From here, I'm just going to copy-paste the important changes.
-Lowered the difficulty of Season 2 Episode 1 normal/story battles -Change the sorting order of Season 2 battles -The interface for a list of Bonus Missions has changed during battles -Slightly decreased the DEF & Critical resistance of the Raid Bosses (Lakoria, Kraken, Havan) -The ‘For Honor’ quest has been revised so players can complete the story more easily -Implemented daily battles for Season 2 -Rankings will now be displayed in the in-game banner -Shop prices on weapons & armor have been adjusted. An outfit shop has been introduced! Outrageous prices for full outfits that give a couple stat bonuses. $32 for the vampire hunter set? No thanks. I've been informed that these items can't be dyed....kinda sucks, I'd have loved to see a pure black and white vampire hunter set. Come March 20th, Vindi will be doing another lonely traveler event. Go see the kitty cat at the Inn every day from 3/20 to 4/3 for some fancies. That's all for now. Keep on keeping on my fellow guildies!
Alright Patriots, it's come to my knowledge that we need to learn how to Kraken. But before I get into too much detail, Im going to give the slapdown to some stats and how they contribute to each character. I was going to name this post "Valark's Big Book of Kraken Strategy and Character Stats," but I changed my mind since I have everything here. If you decide to keep reading, there will be cursing. Much of it, prepare your eyeballs.................bitches. STR: Strength, this shit right here is what boosts that attack. Every character except Evie NEEDS STR. Each STR Point is exactly 2.7 ATT (bet you didn't know that!) If you are not an Evie, and don't have STR mastery at least A, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?! AGI: See that? It's Agility, bitches. That stuff boosts your DEF and allows you to get that damn green bar we call "stamina" back faster. EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER needs this stuff. Also, For Lanns, this stuff increases your gliding fury damage. Don't question it. Just accept it. WIL: WIL is pretty damn important. Gives you HP, gets you more crits. Mo' crits, mo damage, mo damage, you can beat other people for top % damage in raids. Lanns, this stuff is like your crack. LUK: I don't even see why the fuck I'm getting into this stat, we all know what it is. Mo Luck, Mo Drops. Nuff said. INT: If you're not an Evie, don't fuck with this stat. It doesn't do shit for you and never will. Unless I see a Karok waving around a wooden stick using magic, don't question me on this. Every 1 point of INT you get, is 2 points of M. ATT. 50 INT for 100 M. ATT? I like that shit. One last thing with INT, Evies, you need Mana Shield to Survive, if it's maxed, it can take up to double your INT in damage. Crit and Crit resist: Crits are made by this college level Calc 3 formula here: "Critical - Crit resist = total crit chance." FUCKING WIZARDRY. It doesn't take a genius to notice that Crit is nice for everyone. But Lanns. LANNS NEED THIS LIKE WE NEED WATER TO LIVE. Since Lann's perform off of crits, we can use another handy dandy college formula. 1 wil point = .0016 crit chance. now that doesn't seem like a lot, but my lann has I think about 1200 Wil, so if we take .0016 and multiply it by 1200, that's 1.92% And you know what that is? Fucking awesome that's what. Infinities have a base crit of 45. The Formula for overall crit chance is: "Crit skill % + weapon crit + (WIL x .0016) + other crit enhancements." SO, if my Lann were to fight a 0 crit resist enemy, he has a roughly 97% chance to crit. Dat Damage. Enough about crit, let's get onto some characters now.
Lanns: Evasive tanks. Basically means that if you dodge properly, you'll never die. You mainly want STR, WIL, and AGI. If You're a Spear Lann, some DEF wouldn't hurt either. I dunno, maybe max DEF mastery and AGI Mastery? Gliding Fury is your absolute best friend. This can either be used as an attack method, or if you're used to it enough, even an evasive move. Sword Lanns have a MUCH easier time dodging since they have 2 that last a decent while. Spear Lanns not so much, although they can Gliding Off of their dodge, they cannot use windmill to use GF. So If you're a spear lann, forget about windmill. Try to get in the habit of using standing endurance to get up and see how that affects your gameplay. Fionas: DEF. DEF EVERYWHERE. Karoks may be able to absorb hits, but Fiona's are the tanks of this game. Ever seen a Fiona with 14k def? I've seen some shit, but this just takes the cake. Small shields are good for being a speedy Fio, but you will have more vulnerable spots than a large shield. It's a trade off really. Evies: MAGICU! It's not that fucking hard. Okay I lied a bit. Back on East Server, I have a lv 67 Evie. Thought I was the shit. Came to west and after a few months i thought to myself, dayum, my evie was a peice of crap. It is SO EASY for an Evie to hit 14k M. ATT. All you need, is a +10 Gallant Divine Punishment LV 60 Weapon. DP is the hardest part. So if you think about it, you may be asking, "Then why don't I see Evie's that have top DPS all the time?" I'll tell you, KAIS. Kais: I won't lie, the main reason I do a lot of damage in raids isn't because I have a lot of attack, 13k isn't that much compared to a lot of the players. You guys wonder how I rarely die in raids? It's because I can manage keeping my distance from enemies. It's key to know just how far Kai's bows can go. Sniz, If you're reading this, remember when we fought Colru's 1st stage in green room? Didn't go too well huh? The reason I didn't want Cchio in there was because the green golem has fire like material at his feet that hurt your character if you get to close. You want to be close to the end of each bow mode range to optimize your ranged advantage. And ALWAYS, I repeat, FUCKING ALWAYS have a dodge grapple up! That shit has saved my Kai more times than I can count. Now onto the heavy hitter Karok. Karoks: Again, I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit jealous of Karoks. They can take numerous hits, and only lose a little HP. Their damage absorbtion is what separates them from the other characters. They can keep attacking without too much worry. And they have 8.5k+ def, these guys are INCREDIBLY hard to take down. They will double fist ANYTHING that eve looks at them wrong. So if you see a karok waltzing around with 10k DEF, and like 16k ATT, don't fuck with him. He'll have you bent over like how he grabs a vampire in no time. Vella: I'm no expert on Vella. But I can give you a basic theory of what I have come up with. Have a decent amount of DEF and ATT with little to no lag, and odds are you won't die. Her Cross Cut makes her impervious to +/- 90% of all attacks. (Note that Cross Cut cannot be used in PVP.) Not to mention that her Backlash skill is TOTALLY OP. If Kielu is coming after you and you're a Vella, all you have to do is spam backlash and you win with little effort. Lastly, before getting into Kraken, I'm going to jump onto some universal character points. Vindictus is NOT what it used to be. It has changed immensely over the years. Remember when you would be on the ground after getting hit and still take damage? Ahglan fucked your shit left right up and down whenever that happened with him. Now, Ahglan ain't big at ALL. If you get knocked over, and the boss is still next to you, take a nap. You won't get hurt. Ignition revolutionized vindictus and made it easier to play. FOR PETES SAKE, THEY EVEN HAVE A NOTICE FOR LANNS TELLING YOU THAT YOU CAN USE GLIDING FURY!! Back in my day, you had to know what a crit looked like. Karok's absorbtion has also become a bit easier. Fiona's sword speed was DRASTICALLY increased. Kai's got nerfed (a bit, nothing major) and Evies got a bit more fancy. Other than that, it's small stuff. A couple quick tips and I'll be on Kraken. You can re-equip quickslot items in mid-battle. NOT SECONDARY WEAPONS. Always have a party feather. I'll find a Karok to violate you if you don't have one. People will love you if you have party feathers. THERE'S EVEN A TITLE FOR USING THEM +1 STR and +1 INT if you're curious. TITLES: BEST FUCKING THING ABOUT THIS GAME. You don't have to earn the best title and just use that. They have it set to where you get titles that add up. I've seen title capped people before. They're stats are like, 41526X better than those with like...80 something titles. 1-99 titles: Grey 100-199 titles: Green 200-299 titles: Light Blue 300-399 titles: Purple 400-??? titles: Gold <-- Fucking Gorgeous by the way. Leaching. If you do this, I don't give a fuck who you are, FUCK YOU. Leachers are those people who, after a raid starts, they go AFK and don't help in the battle AT ALL. How pissed would you be if you do all the work, and some lazy ass person gets like 2 rare drops for doing nothing? It sucks. Let me tell you. Raids: We all love them. Mo' raids, Mo' money. And money is where it's at with this game. When you hit 60, first thing you should do is unlock all your raids. One of the best things you can do is do all your raids everyday. You even get seals to buy rare drops FROM those raids. It's a win win even if you don't get drops. And with the updated seal shop coming (hopefully with Kai's Crossgun) it'll be easier to get the weapon of your dreams! So start saving! Dodging Evading Attacks: When I think of Dodging, I think of a helpless puppy trying not to get hit with a broom with no way to fight back. That's panzy talk. Evading Attacks sounds a lot more badass. This shit keeps you from being the guy/girl that everyone has to revive. Learn the Bosses attack patterns. Learn how long your dodge lasts, learn how to survive. If you drink a potion while the boss is finishing an attack, he's more likely to come after you. This thing called AGRO. So learn when to drink potions and stuff as well. I think that about covers it. MOTHER FUCKING KRAKEN TIME!!!
See this bitch above? You're not fighting this. I could kill that with my kneecap.
THIS HUGE FUCKER is what you will be battling. In no way, size shape or form will this be easy. This is one of the most difficult bosses that the crazy minds of Korea have given us. And holy fuck is this a challenge. Ima lay the plan down for everyone to see. And try to describe every little bit for you guys to level out with.
Here is a basic tutorial. It gives all the classes specific jobs that they should be complying with. Don't complain about your job, "If you don't like it, rank another character up," is the only thing I can say. If you don't feel like watching the video, too bad. It's actually pretty well made and I HIGHLY encourage it. It's Part one of two, but I didn't see part 2 anywhere. If you guys find it, feel free to comment. Here is a Map of Kraken positions. I will describe all of them.
Sword Lann's are useful at any position but head. H1, 2, 3: Head team - Spear lann's, Kai's. H4: Kai, backs up other tentacles and attacks head with SP skills. T1: front Right tentacle Evie's preferred T11: Front Left tentacle Evies's preferred T5: Back Right Tentacle Karok, Vella, Fiona, Kai T7: Back Left Tentacle Karok, Vella, Fiona, Kai P2: Phase 2 Tentacles Activate at Health Bar 7 P3: Phase 3 Tentacles Activate at Health Bar 4 Phases 2 and 3 (to my knowledge) do NOT fully activate in 50-69 raids. Only 70-80. TL;DR, If you read this first, fuck you, I spent a lot of work on this. Go read it. :> Hopefully you guys have a better grasp on the game now after this, and we can keep working at it and before you know it, hey, maybe we'll be rocking 70-80 kraken! Lots of love, Valark. Edit as of 3/11/13: Pointed towards Member Cchio: I, Valark, humbly apologize for any harsh and/or negative feelings you have dealt with because of this post.